
エルサレム − イスラエル警察は核の内部告発者、モルデハイ・バヌヌを検問所で勾留した。それは彼が金曜日に西岸地区の町、ベツレヘムへ旅行しようとした時に起きたもので、彼がキリストが生誕したとされてきた所での真夜中のミサに出席することを妨げることであったと、警察の広報官は述べた。キリスト教に改宗したユダヤ人であるバヌヌは、ロンドンの新聞、サンデータイムズにイスラエルの核計画の秘密を暴露したかどで18年の刑を受け、4月に終えてイスラエルの刑務所から釈放された。


警察の広報官である、ギル・クレイマンによると、バヌヌは4マイル離れているエルサレムとベツレヘムの間にある検問所で阻止された。クレイマンによると、バヌヌは「TV」という文字で飾られた − 報道車両を識別するために一般的に使われている − フォルクスワーゲンのバンの中におり、サンタクロースの帽子を持っていた。








Posted on Fri, Dec. 24, 2004
Israeli Nuclear Whistleblower Detained
Associated Press

JERUSALEM - Israeli police detained nuclear whistleblower Mordechai
Vanunu at a checkpoint as he tried to travel to the West Bank town of
Bethlehem on Friday, preventing him from attending midnight Mass in
the traditional birthplace of Christ, a police spokesman said.
Vanunu, a Jewish convert to Christianity, was released from an
Israeli prison in April after completing an 18-year sentence for
revealing secrets of Israel's nuclear program to the Sunday Times
newspaper in London.

Under the terms of his release, the former technician at the Israeli
nuclear facility in the Negev desert town of Dimona was barred from
leaving Israeli territory and contacting foreigners.

Police spokesman Gil Kleiman said Vanunu was stopped at a checkpoint
between Jerusalem and Bethlehem, which is four miles away.  Kleiman
said Vanunu was in a Volkswagen van emblazoned with the letters "TV"
- commonly used to identify press vehicles - and had a Santa Claus
hat in his possession.

"He said he wanted to pray at the Church of the Nativity on Christmas
Eve, even though he knew it was illegal for him to leave Israel,"
Kleiman said.  "He was detained by officers then moved to a police
station for further questioning." He said Vanunu remained in policy
custody late Friday.

Since his release from prison in April, Vanunu has been living at a
Jerusalem Church compound.  Last month he was briefly detained by
police on suspicion of revealing classified information before being
freed. Vanunu denied those charges, saying he has no more secrets to


2) Vanunu Released to 5 Days of House Arrest

>From Rayna Moss, Israel:

After being arrested by police on his way to Mass in Bethlehem on the
evening of December 24, Mordechai Vanunu was questioned and released
at 2:00 a.m. on December 25 to five days of house arrest. He is now
confined to St. George's Cathedral.

Vanunu's arrest for violating the restrictions which prohibit him
from leaving his city of residence without permission from Israeli
authorities and from entering the Palestinian territories was widely
reported in Israeli and international media. Vanunu is now
celebrating Christmas with the community of St. George's Cathedral.